Realtors® Political Action Committee
Our Power. Our Protection.What is RPAC?
RPAC stands for REALTORS® Political Action Committee and it is your biggest ally in the business.
RPAC makes a big difference in your bottom line, and here’s how: contributing to RPAC supports efforts to elevate awareness of issues that impact the way the industry operates. RPAC supports legislators and candidates who support REALTOR® issues ensuring an environment of opportunity and success for REALTORS®… for you.
The issues that impact your bottom line are the RPAC issues. Those are the issues we advocate for – to empower your success and protect your opportunities.
FAAR thanks our Major Investors in RPAC for their incredible commitment to the industry and the Association. Click below to see the full list of current Major Investors!
Why should I support RPAC?
Realtors® make many business investments such as cell phones, cars, computers, MLS fees, errors and omissions insurance. They are investments you rely on in your business. However, some Realtors® overlook one very important investment in their business. That investment is RPAC.
RPAC is the way Virginia Realtors® can act together in influencing legislation and regulation that affects real estate property rights in our state and nation. RPAC helps elect candidates who think like we do, who understand the challenges of running a small business, paying self-employment taxes, and defending oneself against frivolous lawsuits. RPAC is not a charity. Rather, it is a necessary investment in your business, a kind of insurance policy against bad legislation and regulation. Furthermore, RPAC is non-partisan in its support for candidates. It’s all about policies, not parties.
RPAC 50th Anniversary from Virginia REALTORS® on Vimeo.
What has RPAC accomplished?
It may be tempting to look at the relative ease with which you can practice real estate in Virginia and assume that today’s marketplace evolved naturally, that policy makers had your interests in mind all along. But that’s just not so. Without the efforts of the local, state, and national association, you’d be inundated with ridiculous red tape and legal liability, and your customers and clients would have a steeper climb towards home ownership. Want proof? Take a look at this list of our recent legislative wins and losses on your behalf.
Civil Penalties for Unlicensed Real Estate Practices
Many local Commonwealth’s attorneys do not have the time or resources to prosecute unlicensed activity, and the Real Estate Board may now issue “cease and desist” orders, as well as civil fines for violators.
Fair Standards for Investment in Mortgage Companies
Realtors® have supported fair opportunities for licensees to invest in lenders, providing more resources for loans.
Passed Brownfields Revitalization Legislation
This provides financial incentives for investments to return industrial sites to clean, useful and productive status.
State-Chartered Banked Entering Real Estate Industry
Realtors® supported very restrictive standards, which have helped to protect our industry from unfair competition by large corporate entities.
Fought Increased Court Costs for Suit Filing
The General Assembly increasingly looks to add-on fees as a funding mechanism for a variety of projects—but those who need to use the courts to enforce leases and contracts should not bear the costs of their “hot projects.”
Backed “Affordable Housing Trust Fund”
We are constantly looking for ways to assist those who want to own homes to find affordable financing, and grants from this fund may assist.
Supported Online Recordation of Land Records
Some wanted to restrict the use of modern technologies in recording and storing deeds, which would keep costs of closing up, and keep Virginia behind.
Widespread Immunity for Mold Claims
Complaints of mold are increasingly common, and property managers and agents must be kept out of harm’s way when people sue to have mold remediated.
Supported Title Insurance Freedom to Set Rates
Like other insurance products, title insurance rates have responded favorably for our clients when priced by the marketplace.
Defeated Transfer Tax Legislation (year after year)
The General Assembly often looks to the Grantor’s Tax as another “pot” of funds for transportation, and we must continue this fight.
Defeated Recordation Tax Legislation (year after year)
Likewise, the state and local recordation taxes are targets for the General Assembly, and we have fought efforts to increase those taxes for a myriad of purposes unrelated to their collection.
Defeated “Flush Tax”
Efforts to improve water quality in Virginia’s waters and the Bay, and to repair and rebuild older sewage treatment facilities must not be born solely by one segment of our economy—homeowners.
Limits for Disclosure Packet Fees in POAs
Some Property Owners Associations try to charge fees that are not permitted by the law, or to change them more than once.
Defeated Impact Fee Legislation (year after year)
In an effort to eliminate or reduce local real estate taxes, some localities would like to shift the burden to developers, and charge extremely high Impact Fees for new homes.
Addressed Chinese Drywall Issues
Realtors® recognize that Chinese drywall is a material adverse condition in a property, and notice must be given to purchasers and tenants whenever it is found.
Defeated Private Transfer Fees
Developers will not be able to charge a 1% fee each time property is sold.
Have an issue that you don’t see addressed in these packages? Email FAAR’s Public Policy Director, Kim McClellan at and pass your concerns along. This package is developed every year with the input of FAAR members like you.