Prospecting In a Pandemic - Fredericksburg Area Association of Realtors - FAAR

Prospecting in a pandemic is different than any other prospecting we have done before. This week Deb Ellis shares with us how we can retool old tactics to work for us in a pandemic.

Build Your Relationships

Do you have a good CRM (customer relations management) program? If you do, Great it is time to break that out! If you don’t, it is time to build one. There are three key things that will contribute to a successful CRM. The first thing you will want to check is your contact list. Do you have a database of all your contacts? A great way to keep track of your contacts can be a simple Google Sheet. You will want to make sure your contacts have the name of the contact, an email address, and possibly a phone number.

The second thing you will want is a collection of notes that help you reach out to people such as the day they adopted their dog, their wedding anniversary, or the day they bought their home. Sending people handwritten notes acknowledging both the big events and the small events is a great way to create a real connection.

Finally, setting up an email campaign to go out once a week can be a great engagement tool. Many times the topics in your “newsletter” don’t even have to be about real estate. Selling real estate is all about selling a lifestyle, so connect your newsletter to lifestyle such as what local restaurant is having a special.


Another great way to do prospecting in a pandemic is to utilize video. Short videos of things around your area, you talking about the great refinancing rates, or even interviewing local businesses about how they’re currently doing business, can get a lot of interaction. Videos are a great way to get face to face time with potential clients and engage them on topics that are relevant to them right now.

Posting videos on Instagram, Facebook, and in your newsletter can get you the greatest reach. Make sure your social media pages stay up to date and relevant to get the most exposure.

Pandemic Foodtruck

Serving your local community can seem nearly impossible in a pandemic. Luckily, there is a great new resurgence of food trucks! Organizing a food truck for your community can be a free marketing tool. It may only cost you time. Organizing an event like this is not only timely, it is fun!

Update Your Bio

Now is a great time to update your bio and your photo. Some experts suggest your photo should be updated every two to five years. Take a look at your bio and see if there is anything new you would like to add or if you would like to reword anything. Check out this great class by Matthew Rathbun on writing a Bio for Success. 

Hold a Pandemic Friendly Open House

Get face time and engagement with potential buyers. Better yet, show other sellers how hard you’ll work to get their property out there. Try hosting a digital open house. If you’re not quite sure how Shaw with Universal Title made a great video with a variety of ideas on How to Make Your Virtual Open House a Success.


For more on these great tips and other ideas, check out the video below! 

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